Article Processing Charges (APCs)

The publication for SIAGASCOT members is free of charge.

For unsolicited articles from non-members, the cost for publication is € 500.

Note that the publication fee is only required for accepted articles. The payment will only be processed after official acceptance and the journal will never require any prior deposit during the review process. Third parties are not authorized to collect APCs for the journal.


English Editing and Manuscript formatting service

When submitting their articles, authors can select two additional services:

• English editing (€ 350)– Authors should write their text in good English (American or British English use is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Authors who are non-native speakers and feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible spelling or grammatical errors and to conform to correct scientific English may use the English Language Editing service available from Verduci Editore Author Services.

• Manuscript formatting (€ 250) – Choosing this service, all editorial issues in the article will be fixed by the editorial team.

For any additional requirements, please contact